Victoria Advocate from Victoria, Texas (2024)

THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE, Monday, July 8, 1991 tA DENNIS THE MENACE THE FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON Neutered tomcats live longer 1 '8M Uwwwm Ptm SyfKfcctli 7- L. M. Boyd Crown Synln.ite iiu. Illnesses It's now known neutered tomcats live two years longer average than those not so sterilized, lon-gevitized, demilitarized, whatever. The spayed females don't live longer than the unspayed females, though.

Curious. What! You thought only birds have beaks? How about turtles? They have beaks. Pollsters just found out 33 percent of the registered dietitians eat at least once a week in fast-food restaurants. Holland's bulb fields are only 50 miles long and two miles wide. Below dike level.

Criss-crossing canals let the Dutch control moisture level. That's the secret. Bright lad In hand is a note from a high school boy who writes, "I collect nematodes, mollusks, arachnids and crustaceans." Bright lad. But he doesn't say worms, snails, spiders and crabs. Maybe he's forgotten the real names of the exciting essentials in vacant lots and on deserted beaches.

Or maybe he never knew. Maybe he calls his mother "mater." The great Louis Armstrong in 1928 was doing the vocal of "Heebie Jeebies" when he dropped his word sheet- He improvised. That, it's claimed, was the start of scat singing. Sir, did you ever tell your wife she looked like an angel? How'd she take it? Was she aware biblical angels are always referred to as masculine? Women get more chrome illnesses than men do. But men get more identifiably fatal illnesses.

Re-, portedly. Q. Highest rated TV show of all time was a Super Bowl, wasn't it? A. That distinction goes to the final "MASH." However, 13 Super Bowls are listed in the all-time Top 30. Miami news investigators claim two-thirds of all gold without a manufacturer's trademark is m-4 derkarated.

Serious researchers say nobody really knows the' "Hold it right there, Doreen! Leave if you must -but the dog stays'." WlOM.WHKY DO FEEL LIKE DOlN3?" Flashy jewelry interests bees. Or so says a bee expert. To "Boys' Curtootty Shop" fey Mm Ml, on (12 to "Boytf't Book," Cram Syndicate P.O. Box 99126, Soattto, WA aaitf. Astro -i BY HENRY BOLTINOFF Victoria 75,50,25, Years Ago By Sidney Omarr King Features Syndicate.

Inc. sharpening of tools. Excellent for testing recipes, for locating object that had been lost, missing or stolen. Individual you admire returns compliment. Scorpio featured.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Clash of ideas lends stimulation, represents challenge, provides opportunity to express views. Member of opposite sex declares, "You Inspire me!" Short trip involves relative. Gain via written word.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Music in your life highlights harmony, domestic adjustment, gift representing token of esteem, affection. Family member talks about financial transaction. Taurus, Scorpio, another Libran in picture.

SCOR PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Look behind scenes for answers. Someone is trying to tell you something, presents "subtle clue." Recent dream proves prophetic. Spiritual values soar to forefront.

You learn meaning of "psychic Income." SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Spotlight on authority, power, responsibility, intense relationship. Individual who once scoffed will now say, "I'm thankful I did not lose you!" Good news received concerning health of relative. CAPRICORN (Dec.

22-Jan. 19): Long-range prospects are clarified. Focus on future, communication, travel, proper delineation of love relationship. Search concluded. You'll assert, "Eureka! I've found it!" Aries involved.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don't hesitate to accept challenge of new, different assignment. Imprint style, gain greater freedom of thought, action. Obtain appraisal of property.

You'll learn more about property, shelter, security. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You learn though process of teaching. Intuitive intellect proves accurate. Relative expounds theory that is creative but not practical.

What you seek can be found at neighbor's home. Ask questions! IF JULY 8 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You are a natural executive, you work well during crisis, you can handle responsibility, you are competitive, passionate, sentimental. Capricorn, Cancer persons are drawn to you. You have knack for understanding and dealing with older individuals. Current cycle emphasizes ness, career, marital status, possible addition to family.

Before this month is finished, you'll make significant domestic adjustment. In September relationship intensifies, month will feature money and love. mMm Monday, July 1, 1W1 It Could Happen: Shirley MacLaine, Taurus superstar, could change marital status and residence in November. This brilliant actress, an enthusiastic exponent of the mantic arts, will be ottered a contract representing profit, prestige, security. She will again be in the news, defending, explaining her beliefs relating to psychic phenomena, reincarnation.

Her keynote (April 24, 1934) will be "activated" this year, representing voice, music, dancing, ability to gain major "victories" through diplomacy, powers of persuasion. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Finally you agree to "let go" of losing situation, proposition, relationship. Anchor of past is replaced by faith in future. Long-distance call sends "chills" because of promise, flattery. Libra involved.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Hunch pays off, you have opportunity to imprint style. Events continue to transpire in your favor. This is time to pioneer project. Public statement, appearance results in "good press." Leo involved. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Success comes as result of unorthodox procedure.

Secret meeting blends physical attraction with inspiration, motivation. You're able to skip details and get to heart of matters. Cancer native Involved. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Give full rein to intellectual curiosity. Ask questions, cooperate with Gemini, realize you are capable of winning friends and influencing important people.

You'll be In charge of entertainment program. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Accent on methodology, details. Find at least six differences in details between panel! July 8, 1916 Since a recruiting station opened here Tuesday, 12 Victorians have enlisted in the Texas National Guard. The board of directors of the Victoria County Federated Farm Clubs is meeting in Victoria today.

Plans for marketing this year's cotton crop will be perfected. Part of this plan is to employ a competent man to handle the cotton and keep up on market conditions. July 8, 1941 Dr. William Ashley Frank, 78, operator of the Victoria County Indigent Hospital for the past several years, former justice of the peace and veterinarian, died of a heart attack at his home at 2205 N. Depot St.

about midnight Monday. Repair work on the Victoria-Cuero highway, from the Victoria County line to Cuero, started this week. The first step in the repair program will be a general leveling of the road, followed by application of a new asphalt coating. Former State Sen. Morris Roberts of Victoria Monday was named by Gov.

W. Lee O'Daniel to the board of regents of the Texas College of Arts and Industries atKingsville. July 8, 1966 The Victoria Independent School District's advisory committee on future school sites began a long-range study Thursday to determine which areas of the city and county will need new schools during the VISD's next building program. Ron Brown, a last-minute appointment to the 10-man panel, was named chairman of the group which represents the real estate business, the home-building industry, city and county governments and the Chamber of Commerce. rr IHfcf PtPF.RlPTlQN'S -I- Goren Otf Bridge A pSAOUJBJ st 9 6uissiui eipeisnn paueuoMS eje seAeets pesij si uujv pepps 9SB0 Asidsia peieAui epeiSdui No surge in admissions was noted at the three local hospitals in the first week of Medicare, although officials of each said they are feeling the effect of increased paperwork.

A Bv Oman- Sharif Tribune Company Syndicate, inc. Aneurysm surgery debatable cause of aneurysms of the aorta in the chest. The syphilis spirochete bacteria infected the wall of the Health Q.l As South, vulnerable, you hold: AJ107 V532 OAJ K975 The bidding has proceeded: West North East South Pass 10 IV What action do you take? A. If you play negative doubles, that's the action we would take. If not, bid one spade.

In a competitive auction, you do not promise more than a four-card suit. Q.2 -As South, vulnerable, you hold: AJ107 7532 OAJ 4K975 The bidding has proceeded: West North East South Pass 10 19 1 4 3 Pass Pass preemptive What action do you take? A. With no clear-cut contract in sight, your best course is to make a strength-showing double. In light of the auction, partner should know you don't have a trump stack. If the double gets left in, lead a trump.

Q.3 As South, vulnerable, you hold: K9863 7A976 0K7 A8 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 Pass 2 NT Pass What do you bid now? A. You have a semi-unbalanced hand, and there is no reason to be- A95 CAJ63 0Q95 41092 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West 1 0 Dbl What action do you take? A. With 11 excellent points, only one choice comes to mind redouble. With rare exceptions, all good hands start off with a redouble so that partner is made aware that the hand belongs to your side. Q.6 Both vulnerable, as South you hold: J63 KQ102 Alii 063 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 10 Dbl Rdbl Pass Pass 14 1 NT Pass What do you bid now? A.

Your first reaction might be that three no trump is automatic, but think for a moment. West's action suggests he might not have four hearts, so it costs nothing to check on whether your side has a 4-4 heart fit by bidding two hearts. Look at the hand in the previous question. The two probably generate 11 tricks at hearts, but three no trump can be beaten with a club lead. For information about the Charles Goren newsletter for bridge players, write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O.

Box 4426, Orlando, Fla. 32802-4426. V-OrnCl ness and an aneurysm. r. -f By Lawrence Lamb, M.D.

WMML News America Syndicate lieve that three no trump is your best spot. A major-suit contract could play as well, if not better, if you have an eight-card fit. Probe for pne by rebidding three hearts. Q.4 As South, vulnerable, you hold: Q52 0AQ83 4K53 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West 1 Pass 2 NT Pass 3 Pass What action do you take? A. This is the companion hand to the one above.

Just because your hand is perfectly balanced doesn't mean no trump is where the hand should be played. Partner is announcing an unbalanced hand, so for the moment you should simply take a preference to three spades to see what partner has in mind. Q.5 Both vulnerable, as South you hold: VICTORIA MALI 572-400; BOXOFFICE OPENS 12:30 PROBLEM CHILD II ROCKETEER 1 MO HIMIWUW DYING YOUNG ho puHidunmnn WHAT ABOUT BOB stress and enlarge. You may have some benefits from keeping your pressure low. And since you probably have fatty-cholesterol deposits in other arteries, it is a good idea to keep your cholesterol as low as possible.

DEAR DR. LAMB In one of your columns you mentioned that fatty-cholesterol deposits in the arteries cause aneurysms. Could there be other causes for aneurysms, for example, the heredity factor? DEAR READER: By far, most aneurysms are caused by fatty-cholesterol deposits. However, berry aneurysms under the brain are often congenital and may occur in very young people without fatty-cholesterol deposits. Marian's disease, a congenital disorder associated with long arms and legs and other abnormalities, often causes degeneration of the aorta and aneurysms.

Before the days of control with penicillin, syphilis was a common 5912 NAVARRO 575-2395" i( BOXOFFICE OPENS 12:30) CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer NAKED GUN 2.3 poitimo 1 mo nuanmnavm TERMINATOR II DEAR DR. LAMB: I have been diagnosed as having an aneurysm of minimal proportions, 2.8 cm in the aorta and 2.9 cm in the left iliac. I have read that 6 cm is the earliest for repair, but rupture is possible between 4 and 6 cm. Also, I've been told that the aneurysm grows an average of 0.5 cm a year. In spite of the doctor's admonition not to be concerned, but to have annual ultrasound tests, I feel that I'm housing a time bomb.

Is it possible to retard progress by maintaining low blood pressure and cholesterol levels? Since there are no symptoms, I believe there may be many thousands of persons so afflicted but not aware, never having had the ultrasound test. DEAR READER: An aneurysm is a delation of an artery. Almost any artery can have an aneurysm. Those arteries in the brain may rupture and cause a hemorrhagic stroke. One of the most common forms is the abdominal aneurysm.

In autopsies, 1 percent to 3 percent, have abdominal aneurysms. They are much more common after age 60, and they are six times as common in men as in women. It follows that they are not rare in men over 60. You are right that many of these are missed, particularly when small or in a person with a large or obese abdomen. An abdominal X-ray may find many of them, particularly if there is some calcium in the wall of the aneurysm.

Ultrasound can identify the size of such an aneurysm and is another way of finding it. There are different points of view about the need to operate on abdominal aortic aneurysms. A study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that 9.5 percent of those less than 4 cm in diameter did rupture and caused death. A rupture occurred in 25.3 percent of the aneurysms between 5 and 6 cm in diameter. I have discussed aneurysms in Special Issue 36-08, "Obstructed Leg Arteries and Aortic Aneurysms," which I'm sending you.

Others who want this issue can send $3 with a long, stamped (52 cents), self -addressed envelope for it to The Health Letter36-08, P.O. Box 787, Gibbstown, NJ 08027-9908. The lower the pressure in an artery, the less likely it will be under "ROBIN HOOD rHiii) mo MO MUMMMMAVM "'DONl IIU MOM TH IABTSJTTEI IS DEAD is I i4 is is pi 10 13 14 TS 16 17 i3 20 21 122 123 33 25 26 27 2 2fj30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 133 39" 4(5 41 42 43 44 45 46" 47 I ittm in Mr -nam ii iTTt- 1 4iT 50 51 52 53 55 I J58 mo wi tuniAVMH (o 1 CITY SLICKERS (mioitmno 21 Spanish cloak 22 Disclose 23 Coiffure 27 Bark shrilly 29 French father 30 Cote dwellers 32 Word in a Doris Day hit 34 "Works done least (Browning) 37 Window frames 39 More BACKDRAFT mtnMo 36 Home of the Incas 38 Word after crash or stamp 40 Before 41 Mild oath 43 Throbs 45 Beat soundly 47 de France 48 Future fish? 49 Car need 54 Print units 55 Roman magistrate 56 Debtor's slip 57 "Sure thing" 58 Woodland 59 Lincoln's st. DOWN 1 Hardwood tree 2 Payable 3 Rachel Carson subject 4 Declare 5 Golf clubs 6 Political org. 7 Bill of fare 8 Signs up for the race 9 News banners 10 Novel ending 11 Require 16 Stain 20 Actor Carvey FOR WARNER BROTHERS FEATURES $3.00 AND $5.00 7-8 CRYPTOQUIP DQUUBF VXGYN'F GVVAJU- ACROSS 1 Classified items 4 Swiftly 9 Farm layer 1 2 "Peggy Got Married" 13 Region south of the Sahara 14 Normandy summer 15 Contestant's advantage 17 Raided the ice box 18 Still 19 Spread grass to dry 21 Stick together 24 Epochal 25 King Kong, for one 26 Make an effort 28 Marsh bird 31 Like in apod 33 Polite address 35 Once more blunt BF ZBUG.PPK DOKBUS 42 Silent star GUD deity Solution time Bara 44 Hawaiian DA ZBSJOQ A 27min.

Cf9 1 1205 SAM HOUSTON OR. 575 garland 45Deuce- unn riivayo. BOXOFFICE OPENS 12 MAILING LABELS City of Victoria Victoria County Surrounding Towns Computer Generated Maintained Presorted By Postal Carrier Route For Economical P.O. Rate Unlimited Targeting Capability Call Karen Dudwlne Tftd Victoria Advocate 575-1451 (Ext. 257)" Saturday's Cryptoqulp: YOU'D LIKE TO LEARN TO DRIVE IN A HURRY, YET NEVER TAKE A CRASH COURSE.

OUT FOR JUSTICE mm I PnofElA FnolAlMlP fioj ill ill It 11 ojujfjT I TjO jTJi jam ayll "xPj('fG JJR lllM.P. A. MfJ I mWwTE i tT YjXc Jmt' "i Vjl I I COB A nLJd Yjjs A HOME ALONE (i 1 topper 46 Bred or land 1 lead-in 50 River island 51 Card game 52 Garden tool 53 Slow-moving boat DANCES WITH WOLVES Today's Cryptoqulp clue: equals The Cryptoqulp is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that equals it will equal throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels.

Solution is by trial and error. 1991 by King Futures Syndicate, Inc. SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMV Saturday's answer 7-8.

Victoria Advocate from Victoria, Texas (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.